Monday, July 27, 2009

Discontinued Items - Deeply Discounted Prices!

I've decided to keep my business rolling in the more natural and completely homemade direction, so I've discounted all remaining shower gels, bubble baths and body sprays that I have in stock. I'm proud to say that all of my current recipes are my own, and of my own research, and that's the reasoning behind leaving the shower gel and bubble baths. I want to be in control of the ingredients that go into them, and I just don't feel that these are what I want to be selling. Keep in mind though, they're still great products, just not the products I want to be spending my time on.

I will soon be learning how to make liquid soap, so this will be a great shower gel and hand soap - and it will be as great as my Old Fashioned Bar Soaps, as soon as I've mastered the technique. I've been doing research on the liquid soaps for a while now. In the meantime, hit up the Clearance Sale on the website - the remaining shower gels and bubble baths are only $3 each and I have a feeling they won't be around for long!

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