Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day of Thanks

Thanksgiving is typically a family day of feasting and celebration, a day to give thanks for what we have and to dream about what we will be thankful to be blessed with in the future.

Thank you to all of my friends and family who have believed in me, and a huge thank you to everyone who has believed in my products and the business. I look forward to serving you in the future.

Thanks again, I truly am blessed. To share these blessings - I offer 25% off through Monday evening on everything in my shop. Shop till you drop and use coupon code THANX2U when you pay with Google Checkout! :D

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Brief Intermission

Well, Its happened finally. My computer is on its last legs. That darned overworked and underpaid video card is about to konk out on me. Luckily, more parts are on their way, it'll just be a couple of days until I am able to not crash long enough to work up a substantial post - so keep an eye on this space for something exciting coming! Until then - check out my friends websites: Suburb Moms and Wraps, Slings & Things. Those ladies seriously have it put together. I'm in total admiration of the work they're doing for moms everywhere!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh How it Screams...

... my face that is! I've been whinging and moaning all week about how my cheeks are dying without lotion. I ran out of the daily moisturizer I rely on during the winter months, and with the cool, dry wind blowing down here in Texas, my face yells at me every time I go outside.

Why spend $2 on a new bottle when I can make my own? So that's what I did... and now I want to share it with you. This lotion is a blend of avocado and hazelnut oils - the lightest non-comedogenic oils I could find, loaded with all the yummy nutrients that a face could ask for. I've added aloe to the blend as well, who doesn't like the aaaaah feeling of aloe anyway?

Also up on the website are my hand sewn cloth gift bags and all the gift set accessories you could possibly need for making the perfect gift set this holiday season. Let me do the wrapping and shipping for you, just email me - bodyluxe at gmail dot com.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Mad Scientist Lurks Within....

I am in need of a great shaving cream. I'm so tired of forking out good money for that nasty stuff that dries my skin out so badly. Sooo what do I do? Make it myself!

I spent yesterday evening in the kitchen whipping up (no pun intended) this luscious cream soap. Yeah, its really homemade soap - just like the bars I've been doing. Oils + lyes + mix and blend and and and.. eventually if you do it right you get soap!

There is limited research out there that I was able to find - so a lot of it is coming out of my mind and what I've learned from making other types of soap. What makes this unique? Well, its super duper thick, for starters. I've added moisturizers and glide enhancers to make that razor do its thing without doing a number to my legs. Oh yeah - as of this morning its still 100% natural. It'll be something like 98% natural when its all done - gotta add preservatives coz no one wants green, fuzzy shave cream.

By the way - make sure you check out my Other Great Sites to See - those moms are making it work for them too, so pay em a visit and see what they've got to say. I'll tell ya more about all of them at a forthcoming time. I know you'll find something useful or find something to brighten your day!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Yesterday was a good day. It was a day to spend a ton of cash on Christmas presents. I'm having a blast shopping this year, a few gifts at a time and I'm bound to find everything I want. I love seeing the kids open their gifts and get excited about what's inside. It really makes me feel great about the season. I can't wait to get out the decorations, but I'll hold off until the first of December, I promise.

Anyway, when we got home we ordered a pizza and I started photographing the soaps that are going to be ready in about a week - I actually got further than I'd planned because I was able to get them all up on the website already.

Today's soap feature: Black & Tan Beer Soap - made with Guinness Draught

Why beer? It actually adds nicely to the lather of the soap - making it very creamy and nice feeling. The Guinness gives the soap a warm, earthy fragrance and I helped that out a bit by adding a complimentary scent, but just a touch. Besides, if you can't drink it all day long, you may as well bathe with it, its a great gift idea for the Irish, guys, beer lovers or Irish Guy Guinness lovers.

Also make sure you check out my new samplers, including the Build Your Own Soap Sampler!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ornies, Ornies Everywhere!

We spent the day making ornies yesterday - cute little ornaments for our Christmas tree. It was an entire family affair and we had a great time. My hubby & I baked them in the morning before the kids woke up, then after some breakfast we dug into the painting. We've now got an entire pile of ornaments ready to be given as gifts, and still have enough for our own tree this year.

In case you're curious, here's the recipe we used:
4 cups of flour
2 cups of salt
1 bottle of cinnamon
2 cups of water

Mix dry ingredients together, then add water and stir. Its like a very thick pastry crust. If its not wet enough, wet your hands and use them to knead in the extra moisture. Take out in large hand-sized balls and roll flat on a floured surface to about 1/4 inch. Use cookie cutters or a knife to make your ornaments. Poke a hole in the top for an ornie hanger (I'm going to use red, white and green striped pipe cleaners) Place on baking sheet and bake for about 45 mins at 375. You want them to be rock hard and dry, even in the middle.

Once they're cool you can paint them - we used water based acrylic - the cheap stuff from the craft store.

It was great fun had by all and amazing to put all of us around a table at the same time again. I love doing fun and crafty things with the kids - especially when it means we can make memories together during these busy days.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sewing up a Storm

From time to time I get these creative flashes, I become super motivated to make something useful with my hands. I guess that's what prompted my soapmaking journey in the first place. Today's creative adventure was not exactly with soap, but with soap in mind.

Sewing is a path I haven't persued in a while now, my machine has been boogered up for a bit. I was lucky enough to be able to borrow my mom's machine for a little while (amazingly enough she wasn't using it this week - I think that machine has more miles on it than I do!) What came from a few scissor snips and a few stitches really kinda impressed me....

Soap Bags! Yep, you read that right, soap bags. These little bags are made from velour (actually from some of my daughters' velour sweats that they'd not worn much and outgrown quickly if you want to know the complete truth). Its like a gift bag and washcloth together, more value for the money! The bags are like soap and washcloth all in one - a great way to hang onto that slippery bar, or combine all those annoying end pieces. Just put the soap inside and tie the bag, then wet it in the tub or shower and scrub! Once you're finished, squeeze it out and hang it to dry. Each bag will come with your choice of Old Fashioned Bar Soap as well, but don't forget to order extras for when your soap is gone.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The bug has bitten me

This whole Christmas Spirit thing sure has taken hold of me. Today we went shopping, got first dibbs on wrapping paper and some gifts. Its hard to shop for the kids because they're normally with us, so I'm trying to take advantage of them being in school still. Usually I'm fairly bah humbug about the whole season but for some reason this year is different. I'm really loving it.

While we were out I found a new soap mold that I couldn't resist. These Christmas Trees, Stockings and Iced Gingerbread Guys weigh in near 3 1/2 oz. each and smell so wonderfully, scented in Holiday Essence. Don't forget your holiday gift exchange at work - these would be great small gifts.

I think I should take out some stock in Wilton - I bought 6 of the large "comfort grip" cookie cutters today. Santa is going to love us! This isn't your typical 2 bite cookie at all.. its a whole snack. I think between the cookies and the cake decorating that I like to attempt from time to time, I could single handedly keep Wilton in business.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas is in the air (Already)

Its only the first part of November, but I've let the holiday bug catch up with me already. When I was out buying groceries this past weekend, the workers at Wal-Mart were already busy atop their ladders setting up the obligatory Christmas tree at the entranceway. Holiday muzak could be heard everywhere. I thought we didn't start this until at least closer to Thanksgiving, but honestly I guess I should just be happy that its not the middle of June.

So I figured why bother with the bah-humbug, its time to get into the early holiday mood. Fa la la la la and all that jazz!

Its time to start planning for teacher gifts and coworker surprises - buy handmade and give them the very best there is :D

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Lesson for the Bar Soap Haters

This is something I'm truly adamant about sharing with everyone - the difference between the bars on the grocery store shelf, and my Old Fashioned Bar Soap. "Why does it matter," you ask? I'm glad you did! Let me share my knowledge with you. I was once a Bar Soap Hater just like you... now I've seen the errors of my ways!

Not all bars are created equal - let's start first with some definitions:
  • Old Fashioned Bar Soap - True soap is made with a combination of oils and lye (sodium hydroxide) where a chemical reaction then occurs saponifying the oils into soap over a period of time. The FDA says that if the bar on the shelf is not a combination of oils and lye, then it is not truly soap. My Old Fashioned Bar Soap is made in my very own kitchen, where I can control which oils are added in order to give a great feeling to your skin. It bubbles on nicely and washes off cleanly - leaving a squeaky clean feel to your skin that is non-drying. While all of my bar soap is at least 97.6% natural, I have also developed several 100% natural bars for special skin needs - including those for people who have skin sensitivities and allergies. These soaps are great for all skin types and can even be used on toddlers and soft skin such as your face (just don't get it in your eyes!)
  • Grocery Store "Soap" - Most "soaps" from the grocery store are not truly soap at all. They are technically detergent bars - you'll notice that most are not labeled as true soap. They'll carry names such as "deodorant bar" or "cleansing bar" or something like that, but they'll not say soap (there are a few exceptions to this). These detergent bars are formulated with chemicals that many people cannot pronounce - myself included. They can be harsh and drying, and are the number one reason why people say, "But I don't like bar soap - I'm a shower gel person." Personally, I'd rather know what is going onto the skin of my family, and if I can't pronounce it, there's a good chance its not the best idea for me, especially as I'm one of those sensitive skin types.
I challenge you bar soap haters out there... try a bar of Old Fashioned Bar Soap before you swear it off forever - our not so distant relatives had the right idea by making their own soap - its definitely better than anything produced by the scientific revolution. You'll notice the quality in handmade, and if you have any special needs just let me know, I'd be more than happy to help recommend or develop a bar of your very own!